The IRA rollover - a gift opportunity that can honor a loved one
One gift option that has become increasingly popular is the IRA charitable rollover (also known as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD, gift). Donors age 70½ or older can direct gifts of up to $100,000 from individual retirement accounts (IRAs) to Northwell Health. You will not owe any income tax on a QCD gift made directly to charity.
The QCD can count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) in years that you must take one. Contact your IRA administrator if you wish to direct such a gift to Northwell Health.
QCD gifts are frequently made in memory or in honor of loved ones. Contact Alexandra P. Brovey at (516) 321-6260 if we can be of any assistance and to let us know if you are planning to make a QCD. For best results, we recommend initiating a gift prior to December. |